Safe System Approach

The City of Sandy Springs has demonstrated its commitment to roadway safety through recent planning efforts. In its 2021 Transportation Master Plan, the City identified the promotion of "a safe and connected transportation system for users of all modes" as a primary goal. In other words, the City is committed to improving the design and operations of our roadways so that all users (pedestrians, cyclists, transit users, and motorists} can safely access their destinations.

The Sandy Springs Safety Action Plan will leverage the federal Safe Streets and Roads for All (SS4A) planning grant to develop a list of implementable policies and projects to reduce and eventually eliminate serious injury and fatal roadway crashes citywide. The planning effort is guided by the Safe System Approach, a paradigm which seeks to reorient transportation system engineering and design around multiple layers of protection to prevent and minimize harm from crashes. The six principles of the Safe System Approach include:

  • Deaths and serious injuries are unacceptable.
  • Humans make mistakes.
  • Humans are vulnerable.
  • Responsibility is shared.
  • Safety is proactive.
  • Redundancy is crucial.
A brief infographic on FHWA's Safe System Approach is provided above. More information about the Safe System Approach and the SS4A grant program are available via USDOT FHWA's website.

A brief infographic on FHWA's Safe System Approach is provided above. More information about the Safe System Approach and the SS4A grant program are available via USDOT FHWA's website.