Community Engagement Process
Supplementing the continuous public engagement process was the guidance provided by the two advisory committees—the Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) and the Bike Advisory Committee (BAC). The TAC and BAC members provided the project team with detailed knowledge of local bike infrastructure conditions and safety concerns, and helped ensure consistency of the Bike Plan with other City planning initiatives and ongoing infrastructure projects. This expertise and local experience helped ensure the Bike Plan addressed local community issues and concerns about safety and equity of bike facilities.
We heard your comments!
See page 77 of the Dallas Bike Plan for additional details and specifics.
Input from Each Phase

Spring-Summer 2022
Phase 1 of Public Engagement
Spring 2022: The planning team participated in various community events to share information about bike safety and the Bike Plan Update, as well as provide fun activities that educate residents on our department services and programs.
Summer 2022: Over 3,000 people participated in an online survey and interactive webmap was open for public feedback from Tuesday, July 5th through Sunday, July 24th, 2022. It collected feedback on preferred bicycle lane types, bicycle facility locations, current barriers to bicycling, and desired destinations. Check out the Summer Engagement Themes Board to view some of the findings from this first phase of public involvement.

Fall 2022
Phase 2 Engagement
Seven fun, interactive events took place across the city. The events were co-hosted with the Planning & Urban Design Department, and participants were able to learn about the ForwardDallas Land Use Plan update as well as provide comments on the proposed bicycle network.
A proposed Bike Network webmap was made available to review the proposed draft network. Public comments were accepted between October 19 and November 13, 2022.
There were many comments on:
- Network connectivity
- Separated bike lane maintenance (sweeping and separator device)
- Preference for more separation with sturdy devices types including concrete

Summer 2023
Phase 3
At a public meeting held on Thursday, June 22, 2023, residents were asked to comment on the draft plan and network through an online survey. A scavenger hunt around the priority projects encouraged residents to submit photos of themselves biking around Dallas for a chance to win a gift card.
Over 175 individuals contributed feedback during the public comment period, from June 19 to July 16, 2023, resulting in revised draft Bike Plan, network map, and priority projects.
Summer 2024
Phase 4
Five meetings were held (both in-person and virtual) in specific neighborhoods where more refinement was needed in the plan:
- Uptown: identifying the best alternatives to the Katy Trail
- Deep Ellum: Confirming the design and placement of a connection between Downtown and the Santa Fe Trail
- Far North Dallas (Council District 12): Prioritizing near-tern projects to include in the plan
- South Central Dallas (Council Districts 3. 4. & 8): Gathering more detail on the connections needed.
- North Dallas (Council District 11): Gathering more detail on the connections needed.
Over 640 comments were received through online surveys.
Spring 2025
Phase 5
Community Input is open for comment through Sunday April 6th!