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The update to the Dallas Bike Plan is almost complete!

Download the draft Dallas Bike Plan or scroll through this page to see highlights. Let us know what you think! Comments are being accepted through March 30.

Why is the Bike Plan Needed?

The updated network is intended to be comfortable enough for people of all ages and abilities to try out bicycling. It focuses on critical connections to create a complete system, and it has been vetted through an extensive feasibility analysis and public review.

A strategy that is based on realistic funding scenarios but can be accelerated if additional funding becomes available.

Policies and action items that we need to implement to realize the vision of more people bicycling in the future.

Bike Network Map

The Bike Network map shows the network of bike facilities to be built out in Dallas over the coming decades. The network is intended to be comfortable for all ages and abilities.

Project Phasing

A three-phase implementation framework was developed to ensure projects are prioritized based on sound criteria and with consideration of a logical network build-out. For additional details on project phasing, please read the draft Dallas Bike Plan.

Click the maps below to see how the network will be built out over time, and the projects within each phase.

Goals, Action Items & Performance Measures

Click on the tabs below to review the action items and performance measures designed to support each goal.

Goal #1: Build Network

Goal #1

Goal #2: Maintain Network

Goal #2

Goal #3: Increase Biking

Goal #3

Goal #4: Bike Safety

Goal #4

Goal #5: Equitable Implementation

Goal #5

Next Steps

We are currently on Phase 5 of public engagement for the Dallas Bike Plan. This is the final phase of engagement before the plan proceeds to adoption this spring.

Project Schedule

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The End