Engagement Overview

Public and stakeholder engagement are important components of the study, and there will be multiple opportunities for community members to participate and provide feedback in both in-person and online settings. In addition to working with a stakeholder committee established in consultation with Cobb County, the overall stakeholder and public engagement strategy will include:

  1. Informing people about the study
  2. Gathering feedback about potential opportunities and concerns related to a greenway trail in the area
  3. Soliciting input about potential recommendations and alternatives

The engagement process will take place in four overarching phases with a variety of activities, and each culminating in a public open house. The first phase will focus on visioning – understanding existing conditions, challenges, and opportunities in the area. The second phase will explore potential ideas for a possible greenway, including connections to public properties, neighborhoods, and more. The third phase will be an opportunity to review and provide feedback on draft concepts and alternatives, and the fourth phase will include a review of the final draft concept and recommendations.

Thank you for attending the Project Open House on Nov. 19th!

If you were unable to attend, there are still two ways to provide input above! In addition, those display boards shown at the Project Open House can also be found on the project documents page by clicking here!

Allatoona Creek Greenway Public Open House #1

Community members attended a Public Open House on Nov. 19th to provide input on the the proposed Allatoona Creek Greenway Feasibility Study!